Thursday, April 16, 2009

Snowy wonderland

Wednesday morning we woke up to lots and lots of snow. It had started to snow Tuesday and didn't stop until yesterday evening. We ate breakfast to "let it snow, let it snow", and "Slay bells ring, are you listening...", (oh wait, are those two the same song?) anyway, Mike took full advantage of the white stuff. He is such an awesome Dad, he walked the kids to school pulling them on the sled. The sled was a BIG hit on the playground!

The tramp was ladened with snow!

It's so nice to have a good warm home to stay in when Mother Nature plays her April Fool's jokes all month long.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

Getting one good picture of all our children is hard work especially at 8:30 a.m. I jumped in the shower while everyone was still sleeping and Mike had gone off to meetings. Charlie woke up first when he couldn't find my hair to pull no doubt. Then when he couldn't get into the bathroom to be with me, he woke up the rest of the kids. They all decided to sample as much of the candy left in their Easter baskets before mom could put a stop to that and feed them breakfast. Charlie was definitely on a sugar high, high, high! His new phrase is "after dinner" This goes for everything! for example, we went to the store and he spotted some motorcycles, he says "mom, lets go ride that motorcycle." I say "we can't Charlie, it's not our motorcycle" he says "after dinner mom! After dinner".
Sugar is sweet, but I think my children are sweeter. I do love them so, and I am so grateful for each one of them. What a wonderful weekend to celebrate with them the resurrection of our Savior. It was pretty low key and relaxed with a little extra sugar.

Such pretty girls. Eliza isn't very photogenic at all, what a ham

The boys got new matching easter ties. They look so handsome, I just love those two boys!

Isaac poured his own bowl of cereal... the cheerios came out a little too fast, they were all over the chair and floor. He and I shared a good laugh and lots of cheerios!
Charlie is my little Maestro, he loves to listen to music! Especially when it's just like the big kids on his " I pot "

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Peas & Carrots

! I love a good prank or joke! So naturally, I LOVE April Fools Day. This year, I cut up and shaped orange tootsie rolls and added all the green balls from the Sixlets package. It looked so real! The kids loved it and have asked if I will do it every night, then asked if I'll do it again next year. I wish I had a better picture of the looks on their faces. , Peas and carrots, PRICELESS!


We recently did a lot of homework in an effort to downsize my laundry time. I'm shocked at what these newer machines can do.... however, they still can't fold and put away the laundry. New machines also make doing laundry a little more fun. Big boxes are still a hit! we are going on two weeks with these boxes, they are GREAT fun for my kids!