Monday, November 22, 2010

Short & Sweet

All month long I've found myself making a mental list of the many different blessings I'm grateful for. A nice warm home to live in, happy healthy children, my husband to love, food, good music to enjoy, and the ability to hear and experience it, family and good friends, priceless memories, good haircuts... I just love the good feelings produced from cultivating an attitude of gratitude.
On another short note... the cuteness had her first hair cut this weekend. We are both very happy with the results.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Business as Usual

Once again, another delayed photog posting... that's what you get when I procrastinate regular blog postings. The main headquarters of my business has moved yet again... we now work out of the "Leave it to Beaver residence" HA! Seriously, this place is wonderful and we are very happy here. So a peak from the front and the back, my office and my desk, as well as my latest creation. I'm rather proud of the old door I sanded, painted, and mounted as a headboard for the girls bedroom. (sometimes it amazes me what I think up and actually create)
Naturally I had to add some good ol' Halloween pics, as well as a pic of the ever enchanting Eliza on her birthday. What a gal!