Monday, December 21, 2009

December 14, 2006, Charles Oliver Ballard made his grand entrance into this world to be part of our family. NOW... three years later, he is a little man full of determination and strong will or character developing an unquenchable thirst for adventure. Charlie IS the entertainer of the family. He is super smart with a quick wit and the most charming smile. He told me that for his birthday, he wanted a motorcycle "I can ride in the street" Naturally, because real motorcycles are not ridden on the sidewalks. And he wanted a blue jet airplane, because he wants to be a pilot when he grown up.
Happy Birthday my Charlie!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mike was gone for two weeks, working t.v. camera for the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas... most importantly, I SURVIVED! (again as we've been doing this for 5 years now)
So the following are a few photos to documenting my survival tactics. I think this year was actually easier for me. Crazy I know, being that I was the one home single parenting our 5 monkeys. (correction: 4 monkeys and 1 teenager) Braving the snow and -10 degree weather. Needless to say, I stayed plenty busy and slept good and hard (most nights)
Mike on the other hand... came down with a nasty cold and I think met his Las Vegas limit within 48 hours. Eliza especially missed her dad, and her missing him rubbed off on everyone else (in part because he sent her flowers)
So to sum up, a line or two (naturally the only ones that partially fit, because this is SO NOT how I feel about my incredible man of a husband!) from one of my favorite songs... "at first I was afraid, I was petrified, kept thinkin I could never live without you by my side".... (blah, blah, blah) ..."I grew strong, I learned how to get a long"... "I WILL SURVIVE!" and I did. Let it be known, that I believe "I survived" because of my fabulous children, unseen helping hands, and answered countless daily prayers begging for help. So I may have survived, but it wouldn't be right for me to take all the credit. Enjoy...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Yes, I know I'm slow... Thanksgiving was a few weeks ago already. I figured I'd post about it anyway, even if it is old news.
It was the best Thanksgiving ever! It was so relaxed and gratifying, I didn't even make pies... until Saturday.

Gina is officially 14! Her birthday was celebrated in grand style (with a new cell phone) the day before Thanksgiving.
It's been a busy month... full of baking and socializing. Mike has finally finished the Mission Mountain Wood Band documentary "Never Long Gone". HOORAY!!! Way to go Mike, I'm so proud of you! This is the sight we came home to after celebrating with the band. Thanks Gina for all your help tending the little monkeys.

I started listening to Christmas music as I prepared the turkey. I was singing "Happy Holidays". Charlie was right by my side helping and without skipping a beat he piped up and said..."Happy Halloween to you too mom!" OOOOH, I love that little boy!