So we have been back for almost 2 weeks, to be sure my intentions were to have posted this almost two weeks ago. Such is my life... We had the most wonderful trip! Michael's Gram Ballard passed away in early January. Thanks to our favorite Aunt Anne, (Michael's Aunt) the entire family was able to fly back to Connecticut for her Memorial Services. (along with a trip to the "Big Apple")
Since our last visit with family in Connecticut, (3 1/2 years ago) we have added Charles and Olivia to the family. Needless to say, we had plenty of catching up to do, so our days were long and packed full of fun with the cousins.
We flew out on Thursday. To be sure, being on two airplanes in 8 hours time was the most exciting day of Charlie's life thus far!
Friday Anne took myself, Gina, Eliza and Isaac to NYC. Riding the train into the city, we were able to take in Grand Central Station, the American Girl Store, Rockefeller Center, Toys R US, Time Square, AND we even managed to squeeze in an interview for the Today show with Kathy Lee and Houda. Finishing off the day with dinner at Friendly's (Michael's favorite Ice cream/eatery joint)
Saturday we attended the Memorial Service, and a reception after. I'm amazed at how kids can instantly pick out cousins they have never met and play together as if they do so every weekend.
Sunday, after church we made it over the the cemetery with balloons to write messages on them before letting them go. Then we were off to Aunt Sarah's house (Michael's sister) for dinner with everyone. (Michael's siblings and children) What a special night to see Uncle Seth and Aunt Carrie who just returned home after serving in Iraq for a year. What a night! It was so good to see everyone, kick back and visit while the kids ran wild!
Monday bright and early, we boarded another airplane to head home. Thanks again to Anne for making it possible for us to have such a memorable weekend!