Sunday, January 17, 2010

Afternoon Naps Gone Wrong & Reading Books

So this last week, I half heartedly attempted to put my two little monkeys down for an afternoon nap. I realize it was my fault, because I wasn't as serious about it as I should have been to be successful. Anyway... Charlie had escaped and Olivia followed him... I was distracted by something so I didn't give chase. When they came back into the bedroom, Charlie had pinned his hair up with all of Olivia's hair bows. He was so proud of himself, I couldn't resist taking a picture, followed by tickle torture. Forget a nap at this point Kristine.
Isaac has become quite the reader, reading anything and everything. We are so excited for him, and we often sit down and listen to him read. Charlie is Isaac's #1 most devoted fan, so naturally he has become quite the reader too. Last week his favorite book was "Super Hungry Dinosaur". He "read" it to Mike several times, and now you also have the opportunity to hear Charlie "read" his favorite book of the week.


Rachel said...

Great pictures and video. I just love kids--even when they don't nap! :)

Russell said...

cute kids Kristine. Oh, how often our afternoon naps go wrong too.-Viv